I redesigned my website and have written this article to give a peek at my journey and some of the things I learned along the way. I’ll discuss best practices in modern Web design and go through the entire design and development workflow that I followed to create the website, from the initial planning stage to the final live website, including these steps:

Project planning
Responsive design
HTML5 and CSS3
High-definition screens
Flexible images
Content animation
WordPress development

Digital Projects
TandV web design
TandV web design

Created web design and built it in Wordpress template.

ArtFix HMTL e-mail
artFix newsletter HTML e-mails

Created HTML e-mail design of artFix; then in Mailchimp template I tested e-mail design to ensure optimal quality.

Intrepidtrave HTML e-mail

Created HTML e-mail design for Intrepidtrave.